Swim Lessons
We offer private and semi-private options for children and adults wishing to develop and refine swimming skills. Learn how you can enroll your child today.
Swimming at the Y helps people thrive—in and out of the water. Swim lessons provide kids and teens with the opportunity to set goals and achieve success, learn water safety and enjoy swimming as a form of exercise. Through swimming lessons, swim teams, lap swimming and more, the YMCA of the Greater Seattle provides a safe environment for swimmers of all ages and abilities.
We offer private and semi-private options for children and adults wishing to develop and refine swimming skills. Learn how you can enroll your child today.
We feature a competitive swim team for swimmers ages 5–18. If you're looking for fun, safe competition in the pool, you can find it at the YMCA.
At the YMCA, we offer low-cost swim lessons for 3rd grade classrooms in Music County. This program is leading the way in water safety for the past two decades.
Learn about our new swimming program!
The course offers up-to-date information on how to lifeguard by anticipating and preventing problems before they occur and by taking action to help those in danger when necessary.